Board committees

Governance framework

Netcare’s governance framework enables the Board to delegate specific duties to governance committees that provide an in-depth focus on specific areas, thereby assisting the Board to discharge its responsibilities. The six Board governance committees comprise directors, executives and senior management and are supported by 10 operating committees.

Governance and delegation of authority framework

Board committees (sub-committees of the Board)

The Board delegates duties to governance committees that provide an in-depth focus on specific areas, assisting the Board to discharge its responsibilities. Each governance committee is chaired by an independent non-executive director and certain executives are required to attend committee meetings by invitation. External auditors attend Audit Committee meetings. The Board approves the terms of reference for each governance committee and ensures adherence to corporate governance practices, applicable legislation including the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008 and, where appropriate, international best practice.

The Board and its governance committees fully complied with their terms of reference. This was confirmed by the Company Secretary and the Chair of each governance committee 

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