End-of-life cancer care

You may have just been diagnosed with advanced cancer. Or perhaps you're struggling with the recurrence of cancer. Having advanced cancer can bring anxiety and uncertainty to your life. But remember that you’re still in control of your choices and actions. You get to choose how to move forward with your care.

Cancer Care

What is end-of-life cancer care?

Some people with advanced cancer can respond well to different treatments and continue to live for months or years. But others are at a point where there is no treatment available or their cancer can no longer be controlled. This is also called end-stage cancer or terminal cancer.

Learn more about end-of-life cancer care

The period at the end-of-life is different for each person. The symptoms people may experience varies as their illness progresses. Each person and their loved ones, have unique needs for information and support during this difficult time.

Learn more about end-of-life cancer care

The period at the end-of-life is different for each person. The symptoms people may experience varies as their illness progresses. Each person and their loved ones, have unique needs for information and support during this difficult time.

When treatment is not an option

When dealing with advanced cancer that can no longer be treated (also called terminal or end-stage), people have different goals for their care. These goals may change over time. Some people want to look for clinical trials. Others choose options such as palliative care or hospice care, which help control the symptoms and side effects of the disease.

You should ask all the questions you need to. If you choose not to go through more active cancer treatment, you can continue to receive supportive care in order to keep you as comfortable as possible.

About advanced cancer

If you have a terminal cancer diagnosis or your disease has progressed to this point, you will need to discuss future steps and what to expect with your health care team and loved ones.

Having these talks may not be easy. But knowing your options will make it easier for you to move forward with your care in order to control symptoms and ensure comfort. You may want to receive care at home or might be open to receive experimental treatments in a clinical trial setting.

coping with your feelings

You've probably felt a range of feelings while you've dealt with cancer. You may have had these emotions at other times in your life, too, but they may be more intense now. Everything changes when you learn that you have terminal cancer. Your thoughts may seem overwhelming at first. They may change each day or each hour. There’s no right or wrong way to feel or react.

Some of the feelings you might be experiencing:

  • Hope
  • Sadness and depression
  • Grief
  • Fear and worry
  • Anger
  • Guilt and regret
  • Loneliness
  • Inner strength

Planning for advanced cancer

Careful planning can reduce burdens your family may face later. Planning may include financial and legal issues, but it can also be a way of looking for meaning and celebrating your life.

advanced cancer and caregivers

If you’re a caregiver, you may be tired and worried as you cope with your loved one’s cancer. This section addresses how caring for someone with advanced cancer brings new challenges and concerns.

You’re still in control of your choices and actions. You get to choose how to move forward with your care.

Further information

Contact the central customer service centre on

[email protected] or 0860 NETCARE (0860 638 2273)

Please note that the centre operates on weekdays between 08:00 and 16:00.