The sooner a stroke is appropriately treated, the greater the chance of reversing its effects.

Here’s what to do:

  • Stay as calm as possible while waiting for emergency medical assistance

  • If you’re caring for someone else having a stroke, make sure they’re in a safe, comfortable position, lying on one side with their head slightly raised and supported in case they vomit.

  • Check to see if they’re breathing – if not, perform CPR.

  • If they’re having difficulty breathing, loosen any constrictive clothing, such as a tie or scarf.

  • Talk to the person in a calm, reassuring manner.

  • Cover the person with a blanket to keep them warm.

  • If the person is showing any weakness in a limb, avoid moving them if possible.

  • Observe the person carefully for any change in condition.

  • Stay as calm as possible while waiting for emergency help.

  • Be sure to mention if the person fell or hit their head when suffering the stroke.