What does the rehabilitation entail?

A comprehensive rehabilitation plan is developed for each patient, centred around their unique condition, circumstances and needs. The rehabilitation programme is customised to address the person’s specific functional disabilities through appropriate therapeutic interventions.

Patients receive therapy, medical and nursing care throughout their stay, and in-house pharmacists and dieticians see to their medication and specific dietary needs.

Family involvement
Family support is integral to a patient’s rehabilitation journey and progress. Family members are encouraged to participate in the rehabilitation process and regular meetings are held with them to appraise them of their loved one’s progress and any concerns the rehabilitation team may have.

Who provides the rehabilitation services?

Rehabilitation is provided by a multidisciplinary team made up of a medical practitioner, nursing professionals, therapists, a psychologist, social worker, dietician, and other healthcare practitioners, as appropriate. Team members work closely together to integrate their respective services and optimise the impact thereof. Regular meetings are held to discuss each patient’s progress and to adapt their rehabilitation plan, as needed.

The resident practice of Rita Henn & Partners provides a variety of therapies including physiotherapy, occupational and speech therapy, and vocational rehabilitation. The resident social work practice, Dube and Pottas provides social support including family liaison. Other service providers who may be involved in patients’ rehabilitation include orthotists and prosthesists.

Where are specialised rehabilitation services offered?

Netcare Rehabilitation Hospital in Auckland Park, Johannesburg is a specialised


bed facility, set in a tranquil garden environment.

It offers a comprehensive rehabilitation service for adults and children who have acquired one or several disabling impairments.

Measuring the quality of our patient care

At Netcare, we strive to always provide you with the best and safest care. We use scientific criteria to measure the quality of our care on an ongoing basis and closely monitor our performance against these measures.

We hold ourselves accountable to our patients and other stakeholders. Netcare is committed to transparency, and we share both our current and past results on this website so you can gain insight into the standard of our care over time.